Electron Freedom was developed to provide new and independent funds to the tribal communities for projects in developing solar energy and incorporating training and workforce development to the tribal people when installing the systems. They have also started the Tribal Scholarship Program for everyone interested and currently enrolled in renewable energy. 

This means that anyone in the tribal communities aspiring to learn about renewable energy is allowed to do so. This further means that in the future, those who have gained their degrees in renewable energy have opportunities for work available for them in their communities. Lastly, they launched the Tribal Energy Innovators Fellowship program, which supports tribal members individually with renewable energy as their goals so that they could use them in their respective communities. 

This company’s mission is to accelerate solar energy and widen job opportunities in the field of renewable energy so that they may be accessible to everyone in the tribal communities in the United States. It is their vision to transition the sovereignty of energy that is entrepreneurial, educational, and entirely renewable in the Indian Country.

With this in mind, the company hopes for a better future for the tribal communities with the help of renewable energy.