Neil M. Raymonds

Philanthropy Vice President, Grid Alternatives

The Founder of Electron Freedom

Neil’s mission is to encourage people and motivate the entire globe through the principles of philanthropy. He continually exercises dedication, hard work, and focus as he pursues his career in the business industry. He serves as a role model to subordinates, and employees look up to him as a transformational leader and speaker, as seen during his monthly seminars and training. As the person-in-charge, Neil leads Electron Freedom organization-wide techniques to advance philanthropy partnerships and develop a philanthropic tradition. 

Neil also founded the Electron Freedom Accelerator Fund way back in 2019. He is actually a pioneering executive for grant-making events, the development of solar projects, and Electron Freedom partnerships. Neil has been consistently speaking on behalf of the organization and has always been a thought leader on power sovereignty. 

His dedication to his work granted him a lot of opportunities in his career before he ended up as a successful Electron Freedom founder. He is also a Certified Fund Development Executive and a certified environmentalist from California University. Also, he is currently studying for an Executive Nonprofit Leadership Certificate at Harvard. 

Amanda M. Walker

Director of Energy Freedom Accelerator Fund

Amanda Walker is a very dedicated managing director of Energy Freedom as she takes pride in bringing her experience in coordination, grant administration, evaluation, and research from the State Legislatures and National Conference. But before that, she extensively worked as an advocate and volunteer on energy policies in India. 

Because of her higher educational attainment, she qualified in the research department and worked with all other experts who are responsible for data collection and field research. Her professional and personal goals empowered her and allowed her to focus on advancement, improvement, and enhancing her capability to address social, environmental, and economic needs while enhancing and strengthening relationships with funders and stakeholders. 

Her positive relationship with government authorities allowed her to raise her concerns with utmost efficacy, and with that, her strategies and implementations have played a vital role in the industry she is currently working in. The impact of her role as a director of Energy Freedom has inspired her subordinates to work with utmost accuracy, quality, and efficiency. 

She is also the first-ever director to do cultural presentations in colleges, schools, events, and organizations to project understanding and awareness of certain issues faced by her country. This is what made her an outstanding and phenomenal leader of her generation.